showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Defender Atari1983 aliens alone defender-series defenderlike energyweapons lives minimap radar rescue score scrollingshooter **THE PLANET'S FATE IS IN YOUR HANDS


Landers, Bombers, Baiters, Pods, and Swarmers. The alien attack has come, and defeat at the hands of crazed invaders threatens the humanoids. Their only hope is the spaceship, Defender. Armed with smart bombs and able to shift into hyperspace, Defender evens the score only to become the object of another foul attack: kidnapped humanoids transformed into killer mutants!***
Defender  Interceptor Software1984 defenderlike lives minimap runandgun score labelimageminimize
Foto Fitter English Software1986 ♫johnnybgoode camels city earth helicopters jumping minimap oddappliances parallaxscrolling platformer score snakes traffic wasteland labelminimizeminimize
Fraction Fever Spinnaker Software (Tom Snyder Productions)1983 edu-math falloffdeath fallofftransitions indoors lives math minimap naturalistic score timelimit labelimageminimize
Space Crusade Gremlin Graphics1992 aliens boardgametiein derelict dicemechanics dicepool doors extraterrestrial future grid grid-square group hitchance limitedsupplies malfunctioning meleeweapons militaryfiction minimap norecruiting noreinforcements overpenetration radar randomchance randomevents retreating rockets spacefaringage spacehulk suicideattackers traditional veterancy walkers wh40k labelimageminimize
Starray  Logotron;Epyx (Psychodelic Software)1988 energyweapons minimap score labelimageminimize